Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Caller ID

I could talk about this for days…

I think whoever invented caller ID was a godsend. I mean think about when there was not caller ID and you had two choices: pick the phone up or wait for the answer machine to get it. Nowadays you can just check the number and decide whether or not you want to take the call. Now if a person calls you and you miss the call, do you call them back? I think you should only have to call a person back when they leave you a message. It all goes back to the old days when there was no caller ID, if a person didn’t leave a message how were you to know to call them back. There was no way of knowing they even called you in the first place. I know people can see when they have missed a call but I still don’t think it warrants a callback. Also, if you a call a cell phone and it goes directly to a person’s voice mail then it won’t register a missed call on their cell phone. I love the people who call you and say I’ve called you “X” times, why haven’t you called me back. Really? Have you left a message? No. Then I didn’t think it was important.

Now there are a select few people that I do call back whether they leave a message or not. One being my parents and close relatives, and two being my issue free friends. There are some friends that only call you for favors or to discuss issues and these calls warrant a voice message first. I want to know what needs to be discussed and how long the phone call will last. Then there are the friends and other people you know, who if you answer the phone you are going to be on the phone for a good half hour or more. Which gets me to the soccer side…

Do you really think I am going to answer my phone when I know I am going to be drilled for answers? I don’t think so….I really feel some people just like to hear themselves talk. Really? Is it necessary. I don’t understand how I received a few phone calls from some parents for an entire year while others were almost weekly. When the majority of parents called it was to ask one or two questions and the phone call lasted a max of five minutes. I would always answer these calls when I had my phone. Those weekly callers would stay on the phone anywhere from fifteen to ninety minutes. It was and still is a toss-up whether or not I answer the phone which is why I love caller ID. You have to be in a good mood in order to handle certain people’s phone calls. I know others can attest to this! Even if you are in a good mood sometimes you may still not answer the phone call. For me, I know I may get in a bad mood after the phone call, so I avoid it until later. Other times it may be the weekend...PEOPLE HAVE LIVES. And the last thing a person needs to do on their relaxing weekend is to field questions and listen to soccer parents. We are not friends. Think of my phone like it’s a business phone and it is only open for business on weekdays from 9-5 pm. If you call during any other time, then I probably will see the caller ID and not pick up the phone. Now you do have to understand there are times that I may not have my cell phone on me which is why leaving a voice message is necessary. When I check my missed calls after several hours, do I call them back if they have not left a voice message? I don’t think so…