Monday, June 29, 2009

To shave or not to shave...

Okay I know most women shave their legs and armpits on a daily basis. Is it necessary to shave other areas of your body too?

I feel if people have noticeable hairs on their toes, then they should shave the hairs. It’s just a spot that needs to be hairless. Legs are a given for women, shave. Now what about for guys? Some swimmers and track athletes shave their legs for performance reasons. Should guys shave their legs for their appearance? I don’t think so…I believe that guys should not have to shave any part of their bodies. Whether it be their legs, arms, chest, or back. Do I think some males would look better with their backs or chests smooth, hell yeah! Is it a turn off when a guy has excessive back hair, oh yeah! Yvette, I know you would disagree with me on the chest and back... What about arms? Now when I was in college a lot of girls and guys shaved their arms. I did not. If you shave once, then don’t your hairs grow back darker and rougher? Why would you want to shave your arms for the rest of your life? If you don’t keep up shaving your arms, then the hairs are going grow back darker then the hairs you originally had. Maybe an alternative to shaving your arms if you have noticeable hair is dying your arm hair blonde or natural color. Now for the big debate...a person’s private parts? Okay now some women shave completely, others not at all, and then there are the in between people who either manage their area with a trimming fashion, or the select few who make designs/shapes. Are designs really necessary??? Okay yes I think a person should trim their area enough so that when you wear a bathing suit there are no hairs sticking out. Now should a person shave completely? I understand this is a preference and some women do it because their “man” likes it but I just don’t get it. Are you trying to be like you were as a child when you had no hair to shave? Or does your guy not want to get hair accidently in his…not going to go there (that is a whole other blog for another day).

For those people who know me, know this…I usually shave my legs every two days or so and have been known to wait a week or so to shave my legs. I have to defend this for three reasons, one I wear pants to work, two I don’t have a boyfriend/finance/husband, and finally I was not going out anywhere special. I shave my armpits of course daily. I don’t shave my arms at all! And the rest is not for public discussion…

Oh and I almost completely forgot which is better to shave, wax, or laser treatment???

Monday, June 8, 2009

Letting Go & Choices Made...

Parents these days have to be with their children all the time. They have a hard time letting go. And they fight the battles their children should be fighting. How is the child going to be able to survive in the workplace and/or integrate with the rest of their age group. Here's an example, I was talking with a college recruiter from a top accounting firm and she stated the firm has started having tours with the potential employee and their parents. Many parents have even attended job fairs with the child. There has even been parents calling the employer after their child's interview asking questions about how things went, what is the time frame for an offer, etc... Isn't this the responsibility of the child? Or should say YOUNG ADULT!

I think this all stems from a parent not letting go in the earlier years. I'm not saying a kid hits 13 and you say "okay you're on your own now." But I do think you need to step back a little and start letting them make some decisions. This also means the child will have to start dealing with the consequences of the decisions they make.

Also, there has to be consequences for choices people make, whether that be the parent or the child. Great example, there were try-outs for the Naples Sharks about a week ago and the dates had been posted for several weeks. Every parent was aware that there would be two try-outs and a possibility of an alternate try-out date due to weather conditions. The second try-out date was cancelled due to weather and the club used the alternate try-out date for selections. One parent had the audacity to show up to the alternate try-out date without her children and ask for a private try-out at another time. Really?!? Her children had gone to a concert in Orlando on that day which was a choice they had made. They should not get an additional try-out, this is not a perfect world. They made a choice to go to a concert, and the consequence should be they forgo a second try-out and may not make the soccer team. Their parent should not step in to make their lives easier. Are they going to do this all their lives? So when their child hits the age of getting a job, are they going to call an employer and say, "my child needs another interview date due to us having a vacation planned for 2 months now." Yeah right!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Parking in Driveways

I consider myself a very nice person. I have told my neighbor he may use my driveway to park cars on when he has guests. Now I have had to remind him that I need to be able to still get out of my garage. I really do not like to confront people to retract what I offered to them but I feel I am going to have to.

If you have a half empty driveway, would you have your guest park in a neighbor's driveway? Not just in their driveway for a couple hours but overnight! Then to make matters worse they park in a way that it takes a person at least five minutes to maneuver around to get out of the driveway.

I wouldn't mind if his driveway was full of cars but he only has one car parked in his driveway every time I find a car parked in my driveway in the morning.

And I know one of his excuses is he has a roommate and they each get half the driveway. Is that my problem? NO!!!! Park on his damn side of the driveway before you start parking in my driveway. Or better yet, get a job that covers your expenses without needing a roommate to help out.


He is the kind of person that will ask for your help to do something but then when you need help he always has an excuse. Yup I'm done being nice.

Now how should I tell about...I don't mind you parking cars in my driveway when your driveway is full. If I come out in the morning one more time with a car parked in my driveway and yours half empty, then you'll have to pick the car up at the tow company. I'm not going to text you asking to move the car at 7 am, I'm just going to call and have it towed. Nice and simple.