Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lego World Introduction


There it is I am an adult who is still in love with building Lego models and creating my own. I have to say it's an expensive hobby and very time consuming. I have had to back off from spending some nights building in the last six months due to work and church activities. I have this dream one day to own a warehouse or small home that is just for my Legos. All of my sets could be constructed, instead as it stands I can only have a select few constructed in my house. It would be wonderful! A giant city resting between mountains...and on the other side of the mountains would be a shift in time to medieval/castle era and on the other side Harry Potter. Then there would be an ocean and as you get far away you would see an island that houses the pirates. Oh it would be an awesome scene...moving through time and all emcompassed on one layout. Well, I don't think this dream will be fulfilled for some time (possibly ten years).

You're probably not interested but below are some links to listings & photos I have taken of some of the lego models I have built and of my own creations:

My greatest creation was a church I built from scratch. It is absolutely amazing! It took about two days to create on the computer (similar to AutoCad) and then another entire day to build(eight plus hours). I found so much joy in building this piece, and the sense of accomplishment when it was completed, was just simply perfect. You should really check it out: My City Cathedral.

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