Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Command...

Chapter 6

The author talks about how to take every thought captive and only think on what is true and real which is based off of Paul’s command in Philippians 4:8. In the previous chapters, I believe the author was just trying to have the reader recognize all the thoughts that go through their mind that are not real and true. In this past week, I have seen myself starting to filter as thoughts come in and cast out all the thoughts that are not real and true. It’s really tough though! By instinct I just want to start overanalyzing past events and dwell on the future. If I go back to the verse and take what Paul says as a command, then I must follow it otherwise I’ll be sinning. I am currently reading 1 John everyday for a month and its crazy how he makes everything very black and white. Either you follow and do it this way, as the Lord says, or you’re sinning. There’s no grey area. If I see it in that way, then either I dismiss what is in my mind that is not real and true or I am sinning by thinking on the unreal and false thoughts. Of course thoughts are going to enter my mind that are unreal and not true but it’s my responsibility now to capture these thoughts and dismiss them. If I don’t, I must reiterate this, then I’m sinning.

The other part of the chapter is acknowledging the benefits that come from only focusing on what is real and true. I know in the past when I have been in good spirits and not dwelling on the things I cannot change and focusing on the present, I seemed to be more productive, be less stressful, and have more energy. I have to retrain myself though from the mindset, to be all of those things for God’s purpose. In the past, it has been for my purpose not His.

It’s amazing how everything a person needs to have a productive, fruitful, successful life can be found in His Word. I have been so selfish during my first 29 years of life with everything being about my needs and desires not others or God. I am so thankful that He made sure the Bible was written and lasted through the ages in order for a person to know how to live life. Every day I turn to Scripture and focus on His word, on what is true and real. And I’m just amazed how He is such an all-knowing, gracious, but also a jealous God. I’m getting excited just writing this…He is where I can turn for any and everything and He always has an answer (of course it may not be obvious at first).

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